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Computer Tyme
Software Development Laboratory

~ Home of MarxMenu and the Network Survival Kit ~


About Computer Tyme:

Computer Tyme is a software development company specializing in utility software, menu systems, and job control languages for network administrators who are responsible for keeping the systems running for lots of users. We are the developers of MarxMenu and the Network Survival Kit. Our mission is writing utilities that help network administrators manage their networks.

Our software runs on a variety of networks and is particularly Novell friendly. If you're looking for some good Netware utilities, you've come to the right place. For an overview of what's on this web site, go to our Company Site Map. If you are interested in information about the founder, Marc Perkel, you can access his Personal Index.

Real Content Here

On the Internet there's a lot of places that are pointers to pointers to pointers. Here's a site that actually has content. I have over 35,000 pages of useful information here. I'm still learning Linux, NT, and HTML but it's coming along pretty good. I'm somewhat amazed at the number of hits I'm getting. The Internet is a big place indeed!

This is my company home page. All business pages are indexed in my company map page. I'm also an activist and a writer. My personal pages have their own index an search engine. This site is designed for you to be able to find anything you want quickly and easily.

Marc We hope you enjoy our world wide web site. If you have any comments or suggestions about this site for our WebMaster don't hesitate to speak up. Many of our best decisions have come from your suggestions. We are also interested in new and better web software technologies to improve this web site. So if you know of any kool, must have software goodies, let me know about them.

I'm thinking about writing some web related software and I'm looking for suggestions. I'm also looking for information about APIs to talk to TCP/IP from DOS. If you know where I can find this, please let me know. I'd like to add it to MarxMenu.

Contacting Us: Computer Tyme Software Lab

San Francisco, Ca. 94112 USA
Voice: 415-987-6272
Fax: Use Email



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